September 8, 2024

Tirth's Blog

My technical notes

Python Modules: Importing and Using

1 min read

Modules in Python are files containing Python code that can be imported into other Python programs. They help in organizing and reusing code.

**Importing Modules**
You can import a module using the `import` statement:

import math

**Using Module Functions**
After importing, you can use the functions and variables defined in the module:

result = math.sqrt(16)
print(result) # Output: 4.0

**Creating Modules**
You can create your own modules by saving Python code in a `.py` file and importing it:

def greet(name):
return f”Hello, {name}!”

**Importing Your Module**
You can import and use your custom module:

import my_module
print(my_module.greet(“Alice”)) # Output: Hello, Alice!

Modules are essential for organizing code and promoting code reuse. Understanding how to import and use both standard and custom modules is key for efficient Python programming.

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